Monday 16 August 2010

Chapters 2 and 3

Chapter 2
Foxheart woke up, the familiar scent of Redfur warm next to her. She blinked open her eyes and stretched her legs out in front of her. She studied her surroundings quickly, and realized that this was not the warriors den. Unusual scents, sights, and sounds flooded through Foxheart's scents. "Redfur," Foxheart murmured, prodding her best friend in the side, "wake up."
"What is it?" Redfur questioned, squinting as she sat up. "I was having a really good dream."
"You're still in a dream," replied Foxheart impatiently.
"You're right," exclaimed Redfur, her eyes widening as she sat up and looked around, "this is definitely not the warriors den!"
"No way," retorted Foxheart. A splashing sound brought them back to their surroundings. They were on a riverbank. At least, it looked like a riverbank. It was completely made of sand, running off as far as the eye could see. In front of them was a great expanse of water, glittering in the huge sun bearing down. White crests of huge waves dotted the water, and the waves, far greater in size and noise then any wave in a river, were shrinking and shrinking until they lapped calmly up at the riverbank. Foxheart scooted warily up to it, dabbed her paw in, and snampered back to where Redfur stood.
"Are you okay? Did it hurt you? Is your paw stinging?" Redfur sputtered, licking and sniffing Foxheart's paw. "Why'd you do that? Why didn't you......salty?"
"What?" questioned Foxheart, slightly taken aback by the flood of questions.
"That paw tastes....salty!" exclaimed Redfur, swiping her tongue around her muzzle. Foxheart bent down and gave her paw an experimental lick.
"You're right! You know what else I noticed? The river-well whatever it is- is flowing towards us and back out again, not like a river that just flows to the side." Foxheart noticed, motioning with her paw.
"Really?" Redfur wondered. She found a stick, and together, Redfur ad Foxheart pulled it to the water's edge. They shoved it into the water, and, confirming Foxheart's thoughts, it was swept lazily away from them, and then drifted back towards them.
"You're right! It-" Redfur let out a startled yowl and leaped backwards as the water lapped up at her feet. Foxheart let out a mrrow of laughter.
"Is this a dream from Starclan, Foxheart?" meowed Redfur, ignoring Foxheart's laughter.
" I don't know," Foxheart began thoughtfully, "maybe it is. Or maybe it's a prophecy! Why else would we end up in the same dream together? Maybe-" She stopped in mid-sentence, squinting in the bright sunlight at the golden riverbank to her side.
"What's that?" she wondered. It was the shape of a cat, a large brown cat, and as it got closer, the warriors saw an ugly scar across the cat's eye Foxheart began padding towards the cat.
"We need to find out who that is," called Foxheart, speeding up until she was loping across the sand, sending it skidding out from her paws. Redfur sped after her. As they drew closer, the tom became more familiar, but how could they know this tom? Maybe he was from Galeclan or Oceanclan? As Foxheart, and a few seconds later Redfur, skidded to a halt in front of him, Foxheart asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?" The tom seemed a bit surprised to see these two cats, but decided to answer them anyway.
"My name is Barkstar. I am the leader of Tigerclan, the greatest clan in history!" he announced proudly.
"And how did you get-" Redfur began.
"How did I get this scar?" He interrupted, touching the pink line with his tail. "I got it when I defeated the evil leader of Lightningclan, Vinestar. She didn't put up a fight, she only had 2 lives left anyway." he said, smirking at the horrified glances Redfur and Foxheart exchanged. "Don't worry, she didn't give me this scar. It was her deputy, Foxheart, who put up the real fight. I hated fighting her," he mewed thoughtfully, "I had always looked up to her. She was such a great warrior. She would have been a great warrior, maybe even deputy, of Tigerclan. But I had to forget her. I need to follow in my ancestor's footsteps. The great leader, Tigerstar, is my kin. I will complete the work that he never got the chance to finish. I will make his name great!" he rumbled triumphantly. "I got rid of every cat that supported Vinestar. They're all gone." He swiped his claw through the sand.
"Well, that is...very, me ad my friend had better get"sputtered Redfur nervously, backing away.
"You look kind of like Foxheart," Barkstar suddenly turned to Foxheart. "You look a lot like her actually, "he mewed, suddenly suspicious. "You have the same eyes and pelt, everything! Where are you from?" he demanded.
"I-I'm Clover," burbled Foxheart, "and this...this is my sister, Sunny." Redfur glanced quickly at Foxheart before adding, "Yes! We just came out here to explore!"
"Is that so?" growled Barkstar, pacing back and forth.
"Yes! It is! Really!"stammered Redfur.
"Then...GET OUT!!!" he screeched, leaping at Foxheart. But she had been expecting the move. She sidestepped quickly. Outraged, Barkstar lunged at her again. She leapt neatly over him, tuned on one paw, and swiped his hind legs out from under him.
"Honestly! You're going to have to do better then that! You're fighting like a big, clumsy kit!" she taunted him. He leapt again, and confused, Foxheart watched as he sailed right past her. Too late, she and Redfur realized where he was going.
"NO!!!" Foxheart yowled, as Barkstar's huge paws collided with Redfur's side. Foxheart leapt at Barkstar, raking her claws along his face and flanks and belly until he turned and galloped away, leaving a small red trail in his wake. Foxheart began desperately lapping up the blood gushing from Redfur's side. She could only watch as her best friend's life ebbed out of her...
Foxheart leapt up from her nest with a yowl, bracken and moss clinging to her fur. Berryfoot's head shot up.
Honestly, Foxheart, do you mind? Do you have to-" he was cut off mid-sentence as Foxheart thrust past him, searching for Redfur. She finally found the ginger and white cat next to Stormfoot, thrashing around in her nest. Foxheart quickly checked that she had no wounds, then gently pressed a paw against Redfur to wake her up. Redfur's ice blue eyes shot open. They were glazed over with pain.
"Foxheart! Foxheart! Is it bad? Is it?" Redfur sobbed. Her eyes stretched so wide that Foxheart could see the white in them.
"No. Nothing's wrong It was a dream. You're awake. Its okay."
" Don't leave me Foxheart! Don't let me die. Don't let me die alone! Please don't let me die Foxheart!" gasped Redfur, straining in her nest. She gasped for breath as if she was choking on air. Suddenly she turned and gazed into Foxheart's calm eyes. The pain in her eyes faded until there was no trace of the agony that had filled them only a moment ago.
"Its okay Redfur. You're okay." Foxheart explained to Redfur gently.
"Okay." Redfur murmured. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "Okay. I'm okay. I am okay." Redfur sat up and shook scraps of moss off, as well as the dream. They both gave themselves quick grooms before heading out to the clearing. Before they left though, Foxheart mewed, "We need to tell Vinestar." Redfur nodded in agreement before padding out of the warriors den. Foxheart brushed through the protective brambles. As she came outside, she quickly decided who would on the dawn hunting and broder patrols. "Skywhisker, Moonstream, Wheatpaw, and Soilpaw. You can go on the border patrol. Check the Galeclan border please. You can leave as soon as you're all ready." The four cats gathered in a patrol and slipped out the camp entrance.
"I need Rosepaw, Redfur, and Quailpaw. You all can come with me on the dawn hunting patrol. Meet me at the camp entrance when the sky turns pink." She mewed to Redfur as she shared a mouse with Stormfoot. She felt a small prick of jealousy now that Redfur spent so much time with her mate. Shrugging off the emotion, she padded towards the apprentices den and ducked inside.
"Rosepaw, Quailpaw, wake up you're coming on the dawn hunting patrol." She mewed quietly.
"Is it morning already?" complained Rosepaw, as she clambered out of her nest and stretched. "Yes,it is, and as my apprentice, you will not be napping until sunhigh!" Foxheart replied, giving Rosepaw a flick on the ear with her tail. Quailpaw was already up, cleaning her black pelt with quick strokes.
"I'm glad I get to on hunting patrol!" she mewed, bouncing over to Foxheart. "Especially with the new deputy!" She bounded out of the apprentices den. Now that's the attitude Rosepaw should have! Thought Foxheart approvingly. She followed Quailpaw and Rosepaw out of the den, and headed toward the fresh-kill pile. As she padded towards it, Sunheart came up to her with Featherpaw
"I was wondering if Featherpaw and I could come on the dawn hunting patrol with you?" wondered Sunheart. Featherpaw's eyes were wide and hopeful.

"Sure," Foxheart replied, "I mean, you can never have too many cats on a patrol can you?"
"YES!" yowled Featherpaw, leaping in the air and batting at an imaginary butterfly.
"Featherpaw," began Sunheart sternly, "you are an apprentice, not a kit. You need to start acting your age or we can put you back in the nursery to sleep all day. Understand?"
"Yes Sunheart. Sorry," Featherpaw replied staring at her paw. She sat there awkwardly for a few more moments, then turned and scampered away to where Rosepaw and Quailpaw were practicing their fighting moves.
"That stinking Stoneclan cat won't know what hit him!" hissed Rosepaw, as she landed perfectly on a leaf leaping in a quick gust of wind.
"And you won't know what hit you!" yowled Featherpaw, leaping at Rosepaw. They scuffled around until Rosepaw had Featherpaw pinned down.
"Ha Ha Cliffstar! Now its time for me, Rosestar, to show you what Lightningclan can-" she broke off as Quailpaw leaped at Rosepaw and pinned her down.
"Now, I, Quailstar, shall-" she was cut off as Featherpaw rejoined the game and leapt at her. The three apprentices began playfighting, using fighting techniques with sheathed claws. Sunheart and Foxheart turned away from the apprentices. Foxheart picked out a plump looking vole from the fresh-kill pile.
"Want to share?" she asked Sunheart.
"Of course!" he purred. The two cats knelt down and began taking mouthfuls of the juicy flesh. Even a day old, Lightningclan prey was the best in the forest! When they had finished, Foxheart swiped her tongue around her jaws, and padded to the camp entrance with Sunheart. Her patrol was gathered at the entrance.
"We're going to hunt near the Oceanclan border, near the river, so we can catch some water prey." Foxheart mewed as she approached the small group of cats. "Lets go." She began to lead the patrol out of the camp, but stopped when she heard a light thud.
"WAIT!" Foxheart heard the desperate squeal of a kit, and when she turned around, she saw Quick-kit tripping over her paws, scampering over.
"Quick-kit, come back here! I have to make sure Tigerkit takes his herbs!" called Snowstorm halfheartedly as she ducked out of the nursery with Bark-kit clawing at her tail. Quick-kit ignored her, and skidded to a halt in front of Foxheart, panting.
"Foxheart," she began between breaths, "I know you're deputy now, but I bet I can beat you to the warriors den!" Quick-kit squeaked.
"Oh yeah?" challenged Foxheart.
"Yup!" Quick-kit replied, puffing her chest out.
"Fine then. We'll start here," she said, scratching a long line through the dust with her claw, "and when I say go, we'll race there and back. The first one to cross the line on the way back wins. Rosepaw," Foxheart called, flicking her tail to summon her apprentice," you be the judge. Whoever crosses the line first wins. Say 'go' once we're ready. Okay?" Foxheart asked, her eyes gleaming mischievously.
"Okay!" exclaimed Rosepaw enthusiastically, glad to be judging in front of her clanmates.
"Ready Quick-kit?" Foxheart questioned, turning to the kit beside her.
"Uh-huh!" Quick-kit replied, her fur fluffed up at the thought of winning in front of the whole clan.
"Okay. Ready," Rosepaw began. The two cats crouched down at the starting line. Quick-kit could feel her heart pounding. And- "Go!" yowled Rosepaw. Quick-kit leaped forward and thudded to the ground. She stood for a moment and then began to scamper forward in a wobbly line towards the warriors den. She didn't dare look to see where Foxheart was. She could feel her little paws thudding in time with her heart. The warriors den was drawing closer now, and Quick-kit could see the brambles and lichen hanging down in front of the entrance.
Foxheart could see Quick-kit a few tail-lengths ahead of her. Foxheart was letting Quick-kit win deliberately. She was taking tiny pawsteps, placing one paw in front of the other slowly, and staying on her toes, like she was stalking a mouse. She saw Quick-kit swatting the warriors den with one paw, then twisting around, and scampering back. As soon as Quick-kit could see her, Foxheart began to run, leaping forward in bounds. She began to near the warriors den as Quick-kit scampered away.
I must be fast to be beating Foxheart! Though Quick-kit, as she thudded back to the line. Foxheart had been going fast! Quick-kit could see where Rosepaw was crouching at the line, her tail flicking. As Quick-kit began to near the line, she thought happily, I'm actually going to win! Foxheart had gone back to her slow, stalking-prey run. She watched happily as Quick-kit bounced over the line. Foxheart bounded over the line after Quick-kit, and she began pretending to pant.
"And the winner is...Quick-kit!" Rosepaw announced. Immediately, every cat in the clearing who had been watching began chanting Quick-kit's name. Quick-kit was shining as kits gathered around her as she bragged. Foxheart went over and gave Quick-kit a lick on the head.
"Well done, Quick-kit." congratulated Foxheart.
"Thanks!" squeaked Quick-kit. She puffed out her chest until it looked ready to burst. Foxheart saw Bark-kit dart over and whisper to Quick-kit, "She let you win!" before darting to where Snowstorm and Tigerkit were waiting at the nursery. But that was to be expected. His sister had just won a race against a warrior. Out of the corner of her eye, Foxheart saw Stormfoot murmuring something to Redfur, and Redfur nodding. Redfur began to make her way over to Foxheart.
"Um, Foxheart, I hate to break this up, but Stormfoot and I agree that the dawn hunting patrol should be leaving by now." Redfur reported, glancing back every now and then at Stormfoot.
"Well," Foxheart began, all her jealousy welling up as she tried to keep from hissing, "this is Quick-kit's first victory, and we should acknowledge it and show her we care, and obviously no one else cares that we are missing a patrol," she snarled, lashing her tail, "so I don't see why we should go right now!" Foxheart finished. Casually, licking a paw, she added, "Plus, neither you or Stormfoot are deputy. I am." Foxheart stood watching with satisfaction as Redfur backed away, her eyes wide. Foxheart turned and spotted Bark-kit making his way shyly over.
"Um, Foxheart, I was wondering if you could teach me some fighting moves, so she," Bark-kit meowed, flicking his short tail towards Quick-kit, "doesn't get everything."
"Of course I can!" Foxheart replied warmly, touching his ear with her tail. "As a matter of fact, I'm free the morning of the gathering! Ask your mother if that would be okay."
"Okay!" Bark-kit squealed, bouncing away to Snowstorm. Foxheart looked on fondly. Bark-kit was a great little kit. She loved to think that maybe sometime she could mentor him. He would be a great warrior. As cats began to go back to their dens, and Quick-kit began to edge towards Snowstorm, Foxheart decided that now was the time to go on the dawn patrol, if it could still be called the dawn patrol.
"Alright everybody," called Foxheart to the cats still in the clearing, "the cats who were going on the dawn hunting patrol, come with me. We'll need to catch extra prey so it can count for the next hunting patrol as well. I've seen the dawn border patrol come back, so Yellowclaw, Windheart, Galeheart, and Shadepaw, you can go on the next border patrol. Check the Oceanclan border pleas. You can go when you're ready. Stormfoot, you and Fernpaw can come on our hunting patrol so we can catch extra prey." Foxheart swept around and went to the hunting patrol at the camp entrance.
"My patrol, lets go." The cats from her patrol began filing out of the camp. Foxheart trotted to catch up and found her mother, Skywhisker, waiting for her.
"I still can't believe that you're deputy!" Skywhisker mewed, her eyes brimming with pride, as she brushed against Foxheart.
"Neither can I," replied Foxheart, her pelt brushing against Skywhisker's, "neither can I."

Chapter 3
All was quiet. Redfur could smell prey, and the fresh green scent that she loved from the forest. She could feel the soft, green grass springing softly beneath her pads. Redfur could feel her stomach fur brushing the ground silently. She tasted the lightness of a cloudless sky on her tongue and felt it on her fur. She could hear the birds twittering above her and the scratching mice nibbling treats. she could see a blade of grass waving in front of her, and a green glow glazed her surroundings. Redfur glanced at the sun through the spiderweb of leaves and branches above her. One more catch and she should meet the others. Redfur caught the scent of a mouse and pinpointed it. She had only gone a few paces when she saw it scuffling among some tree roots. She crept forward, putting her paws delicately down one in front of the other. She stopped when she was a tail-length away. She stood stock still for a moment, then bunched her haunches, and pounced, claws outstretched, towards the prey. The mouse spun around and tried desperately to dart away, fear in its eyes, but it was too late. Redfur trapped it between her paws, and ended its short life with a swift bite to its neck. She stood, satisfied, and swiped her tongue around her jaws. Redfur picked up the mouse by its tail and headed toward where the rest of her prey was buried. She picked up three plump mice and a sparrow from where she had left them buried and began to head to the meeting place, feeling proud with four mice and a bird swinging from her jaws. As Redfur entered the space draped with ferns, she held her head high with her catch. Stormfoot, Sunheart, Foxheart, Featherpaw, and Fernpaw, were sitting with piles of prey at their paws. Redfur looked hopefully over at Foxheart, but was met only with a stony glance, as Redfur remembered with a sinking feeling their conversation back at the camp. She turned and padded over to Stormfoot. She lay on her stomach and dropped her prey between her paws.
"Nice catch!" exclaimed Stormfoot, between rapid strokes of grooming.
"Thanks. You too," she replied, nodding at his crow, squirrel, and vole.
"Right...." he mewed disbelievingly. Redfur looked around at the other cats to see what they had caught. Featherpaw, who was chatting with Fernpaw while batting absent-mindedly at an over-hanging branch, had caught a mouse and two voles. Fernpaw had caught three mice. Sunheart, who was sharing tongues with Foxheart, had a crown, a vole, and a mouse. Redfur passed her gaze over to her best friend. Foxheart had a plump squirrel, two voles, and a rabbit. A rabbit? Rabbits' were hard to catch, and were rarely found anywhere but Galeclan territory. Redfur began to suspect Foxheart of going to the Galeclan border and crossing it.
"How did you manage to catch a rabbit?" blurted out Redfur, as Rosepaw entered with two voles and a mouse, and Quailpaw entered with a plump starling and a mouse.
"Well, began Foxheart slyly, "I ran after it after I smelled it, and then when I saw it I jumped on it and caught it. After that I carried it back and-" Redfur cut her off, "I know that, you don't have to treat me like a tiny kit!" This caused all of the rest of the cats to look up in astonishment as the two closest cats in the clan began to fight over a rabbit. Foxheart's eyes narrowed to thin slits. "Apparently, I do," Foxheart shot back.
"I mean to say, you didn't cross into Galeclan territory, did you? Because rabbits are awfully hard to-" Foxheart cut Redfur off and snarled, "Well, you see, I used my skills. Quit being such a mousebrain!"
"Now that was too far!" roared Redfur.
"You already went too far," replied Foxheart crisply. Foxheart grasped her huge pile of prey in her jaws, her turquoise eyes blazing, flicked her tail, and slipped out of the ferns.
"What's gotten in her fur?" snarled Stormfoot.
"Well apparently, Redfur," Sunheart spat the word, as if disgusted by it, "has been questioning Foxheart's skills, just because she can't be deputy!" he snapped, the stepped out of the ferns while calling, "Wait Foxheart!" Rosepaw stood and meowed loftily, "Come on, Featherpaw." She flicked her tail, and shot a frosty glance at Quailpaw and Fernpaw. Quailpaw retaliated by shooting a withering glare, and thrusting her nose in the air. Fernpaw stood up and meowed, "Well leave already!" Once everyone was gone, Redfur murmured, "Funny how strange things cat get, when your words slip, isn't it?" Her icy eyes flashed. "Some cats need to hold their tongues!" Redfur snapped, gathering up her prey, and stalking out of the fronds. Quailpaw, Stormfoot, and Fernpaw exchanged surprised glances. What was going on?
Redfur plodded sulkily over to the fresh-kill pile, and dropped her catch onto the overflowing pile. She stared gloomily at the plump, huge rabbit that Foxheart had caught. This was no fair! Redfur admitted that Foxheart was a tiny bit better then her in everything, but they had the same amount of courage, loyalty, and justice. Redfur turned as she heard someone calling her name. It was Sleetkit, and her black and gray fur was fluffed out around her tiny body. Her fluffy tail was waving around in the air happily. Redfur's frosty gaze didn't faze Sleetkit her at all, and she kept on until she reached Redfur.
"Hi Redfur!" she squealed.
"Hi," replied Redfur
"Guess what!" Sleetkit went on.
"What?" grunted Redfur, only vaguely interested.
"Foxheart said that she would take me, Dusk-kit, Whisperkit, Bark-kit, Quick-kit,and Tigerkit to the sandy hollow, and she said that she would teach us some fighting moves! I can't-" she was cut off when Redfur growled,
"Good luck with that."
"What do you mean?" asked Sleetkit.
"I mean good luck with getting your mothers to agree to that." Redfur replied.
"But that's the good bit," exclaimed Sleetkit, "they already have!" There was an awkward silence until Sleetkit continued. "Foxheart and I were wondering if you could come too," she mewed, almost shyly. Redfur looked up in surprise. She didn't know that anyone wanted her to come ! Sleetkit's huge eyes stared up at her hopefully.
"O-of course I'll come!" she stammered.
"Yippee!!" Sleetkit squealed. "Now we get two great warriors to train us!" she cried as she bounced towards the nursery. Redfur felt a lot happier now that she realized cats liked her too. She grabbed a mouse and padded over to where the warriors ate their prey, her tail held high. She stopped for a few paces when she saw Foxheart eating a vole, but decided to ris kit. She went over and began to eat her mouse carefully. She kept one eye on Foxheart, and saw her look up once at Redfur, and then continued eating. When Foxheart had finished, she stood up and tuned to leave, but before she left, she touched Redfur with her tail and mewed,
"I'm sorry Redfur, for everything. I'm glad you could come with the kits." Foxheart then padded off to go find Sunheart. Redfur felt a warm feeling spread through her from ear tip to tail tip. She was proud to call Foxheart her kin and best friend. Redfur got up and decided to check on Meadowfire and Swiftheart, her parents. She padded over to the elders den, and ducked inside. There was a shadowy sunlight, filtering in through cracks in the brambles, creating an iridescent glow. The soft, springy moss on the ground soothed Redfur's hard pads. She sighed. She already felt comfortable. Redfur padded over to where Meadowfire and Swiftheart were talking to Skywhisker. Skywhisker looked up when Redfur entered. Her deep blue eyes were sparkling as usual.
"Well hi, Redfur!" she exclaimed. "I was just checking in on my little brother and Meadowfire," she flicked Swiftheart with her tail, "I hope you don't mind?"
"Oh no, not at all," purred Redfur. She cane over and gave her mother a lick on the cheek. "Hi, Meadowfire." She mewed. Meadowfire turned her milky gaze to her daughter. Her eyes had been scratched out in a battle with a badger. She had been forced to retire to the elders den. Swiftheart decided to stay with his mate, so he too retired to the elders den.
"Hello Redfur! Its sure nice to see you," Meadowfire purred.
"Its nice to see you too mom. I was just going to tell you that Foxheart and I might be going on a quest...sometime soon."
"A quest?!" questioned Meadowfire.
"Yes. You see, Foxheart and I, we both had the same dream and we are going to tell Vinestar about it. We've been thinking a lot about Lightningclan history, and we definitely think that we need to go on a quest. Lightningclan used to be called Thunderclan. There was Thunderclan, Windclan, Shadowclan, and Riverclan. There was an evil cat named Tigerstar, and the cat in our dream spoke of him. We think that Tigerstar might have some descendants in Lightningclan. Something terrible is going to happen, if we don't do something." Redfur explained to Meadowfire. She decided to leave out the details of the dream for Vinestar.
"Wow!" gasped Meadowfire. Skywhisker got up with a flick of her tail and murmured,
"I need to talk to Foxheart." Meadowfire and Redfur sat sharing tongues for a long time in the soft moss of the elders den. Finally, Redfur got up and murmured,
"I need to go talk to Vinestar now. No matter what happens, it will be okay."
"Thanks Redfur. I love you so much." Meadowfire replied, pride shining in her eyes.
"Good luck Redfur, We're proud of you, no matter what happens." Swiftheart added. Redfur stood, gave her pelt a quick groom, and swept out of the den.

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